Halo 2 Editing Kit Tutorial Prev Page Prev Page
About the Halo 2 Map Editor and its Tools
What's new in Halo 2 Editing
Technology Overview
The Halo 2 for Windows Vista Engine
System Requirements
Definitions & Terms
Definitions & Terms
The Development Environment
Map Editor Contents
Map Editor Installation
Additional Tools and Utilities
Development Tools Overview
.ass Exporter
Halo 2 Tool
Halo 2 Guerilla
Halo 2 Sapien
Halo 2 Map Editor Launcher
Using .ass Exporter
Using .ass Exporter
Using Halo 2 Sapien
Asset Manipulation Gizmo
Halo 2 Sapien Game Window
Halo 2 Sapien Menus
Placing Objects
Placing Lights
Spawn Zones
Decorator Brush
World Ruler
Reset Object Z Height
Gravity Lifts
Sound Effects
Kill Trigger Volumes
Adding Extra Vehicles & Turrets
Game Types
Game Types
Capture The Flag
King of the Hill
Using Halo 2 Guerilla
Sky Boxes
Sky Light Values
Starting Equipment
The Object Palette
Description Text
Location Text
Map Shots
Using Halo 2 Map Editor Launcher
Using Halo 2 Map Editor Launcher
Halo 2 Tool Level Creation
Halo 2 Level Creation
Import Structure
Generate Lightmaps
Import Descriptions
Creating Unicode Strings
Building Cache Files
Halo 2 Tool Texture Creation
Import Bitmaps
General Level Design Information
Design Style Guidelines
Technical Design Rules
Design Suggestions
Player Statistics and Metrics
Equipment List
Multiplayer Level Design
Getting Started
Tutorial 1: Creating an Environment in 3ds Max
Tutorial 2: Exporting an Environment from 3ds Max
Tutorial 3: Importing an Environment to Tag Format
Tutorial 4: Placing Spawn Points Using Halo 2Sapien
Tutorial 5: Creating and Editing Environment Tags Using Halo 2 Guerilla
Tutorial 6: Synching Tags and Launching into the Game Environment
Additional Resources
Console Command List
File Specifications
.ass File Specification
Sample .ass file

Player Statistics and Metrics

Previous Topic  Next Topic 

This section includes important player values and statistics as well as player dimensions in real-world and 3ds Max units for the player dimensions and player actions, as well as for some common game objects such as vehicles and doors. All player values and statistics refer to the Master Chief character unless otherwise noted.

Player Screen Field of View

The player field of view (or FOV) value is 70 degrees.

Halo to Real-World Scale

As a reference, the Master Chief is approximately 7 feet tall.

This makes the unit scale approximately 10 units = 1 foot or 1 unit = 1.2 inches.

Player Dimensions (Generic 3ds Max Units)

Key: [length(depth) × width × height]

Full Height (Standing)       18.418 × 29.828 × 70.127

Height (Ready Pose)         28.198 × 39.376 × 65.11

Crouched                             43.372 × 30.719 × 42.455

Vehicle Dimensions (Generic 3ds Max Units)

The following are the dimensions for the visible model for the listed vehicles.

Key: [length(depth) × width × height]

Warthog                                191.766 × 134.000 × 104.264

Ghost                                     137.967 × 144.484 × 057.926

Banshee (Open Cockpit)  181.368 × 223.696 × 158.011

Scorpion                               330.661 × 200.490 × 134.610

Shade Plasma Turret        144.035 × 084.424 × 086.98

Player Speed (World Units/Second)

Forward Movement Speed (Running)                          2.25

Backward Movement Speed (Running)                       2.00

Side Strafe Movement Speed (Running)                     2.00

Player Movement Angles (Degrees)

The player cannot move up any slope that has an angle value greater than 45 degrees.

Ground Step Height (Generic 3ds Max Units)

The maximum height for a piece of geometry (such as stairs and guide walls) that still allows the player to walk or run onto or over it.

Crouched (Walking)                                  8

Standing (Running)                                   12

Note: These values reflect a player at the full velocity for the listed movement type. For geometry such as stairs (vertical faces), the player will always catch or hitch; this is why ramps are used instead of stairs in Halo. There are techniques for visually representing stairs with invisible ramped collision geometry overlaid for smooth player movement.

Jump Height (Generic 3ds Max Units)

The maximum height of an object a player can jump on or over.

Crouched (Walking)                                  76

Standing (Running)                                   80

Crouch Jump (Run, Jump, Crouch)      99

Note: Other factors that apply additional velocity to the player may affect this value. The values listed assume the player is at standard movement speed.

Jump Distances (Generic 3ds Max Units)

The maximum distance between geometry or objects at the same height that allows the player to jump from one to the other.

Crouched (Walking)                                  136

Standing (Running)                                   312

Crouch Jump (Run, Jump, Crouch)      330

Ceiling Geometry Height (Generic 3D Studio Max Units)

The minimum clearance between the ground and ceiling (e.g., interior ceilings, top doorway frames) that allow the player or a vehicle to pass underneath.


Crouched     50

Standing       70


Warthog        75

Ghost             56*

Banshee       112*

Scorpion       118

Note: The third-person camera view for vehicles is set at a much higher distance than the actual physical and visual geometry and will clip into the world at the values listed.

* These vehicles can be tweaked or forced through the objects depending on the angle and velocity. Keep this in mind when designing the level.

Minimum Path Widths

The minimum widths between geometry or objects that allow the player or vehicle to move between them.


Crouched     40

Standing       40


Warthog        100*

Ghost             128*

Banshee       220*

Scorpion       230*

Note: Vehicles can be manipulated\exploited by forcing them through openings with smaller values than those listed above. The values listed are for driving the vehicle through an opening with little hindrance and minimal visual clipping of the model. Keep these factors in mind when designing the level.

* These vehicles can be tweaked or forced through objects or openings depending on the angle and velocity.